Helpful Links
Nathan Hale High School | WA-WM Skyward Student Information System | WA-WM PTA Council
WA-WM School District | WA-WM Recreation Department | WA-WM Community Coalition
Upcoming Events
January 21st - 24th Final exam week
January 27th No School - Record Keeping
February 8th Winter Formal
February 17th & 18th No School
February 19th 6:30 pm Meeting
Hale PTSA Officers '24- '25
Elly Gross - President
Jen Edgett - Vice President
Heather Rausch - Treasurer
Violet Gross - Secretary
The Nathan Hale PTSA is providing information and services on the Internet as a benefit and service in furtherance of the Nathan Hale PTSA's nonprofit and tax exempt status. Unless otherwise noted, PTSAs may distribute the materials from the Nathan Hale PTSA without expressed permission. Nathan Hale PTSA materials may not be duplicated by any other organization or person without written permission. The Nathan Hale PTSA does not exert editorial control over materials that are posted by third parties onto this site or materials that are emailed by third parties to any other persons. The Nathan Hale PTSA is not responsible for any material posted by any third parties. Companies and/or products found on this website does not constitute endorsement. Although the Nathan Hale PTSA site includes links for providing direct access to other Internet sites, the Nathan Hale PTSA has not participated in the development of those other sites, and does not exert any editorial or other control over those sites.